As you can now well imagine, my journey to Cyprus wasn't only about relaxation but also getting to know some really inspiring & fascinating people. I ran the numbers & realized that I met more than 50 individuals from all around the world, but most importantly – loads of English people! 😍 Not only did we get to experience the beauty of the exotic island together, but we also talked life, aims, travels & obviously language! 😇 Below you can watch a series of videos I made with just a few of those wonderful people. In my humble opinion, each of them is such a gem! 💎 I like to think you'll glean a few insights from them since we put our heart & soul into making these interviews! Enjoy! 🤗 🎬Danish & Swiss School Students On Why Their English Classes Always Work 🎬Francis — A Man With An Artistic Soul 🎬An Englishman in Switzerland 🎬'It's high time to go in for sport!' – Sarah On Phrases English People (Almost) Never Use In Daily Conversation 🎬How Close Is Movie English To Real Life English? 🎬Can I go out? — An Englishman On Classroom Language ✅Subscribe to my Instagram for more –

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